Our History

Covenant Faith Ministries is an apostolic gospel ministry founded by the Lord Jesus Christ through his servent Bishop Enoch Mbeveri. The servant of God was shown by an angel in an open vision a map of the world and dirty sheep coming from the forest at the southern tip of Africa. These sheep passed through the first river and became fairly clean they stood on a middle ground before entering a second river. After passing the second river they were crisp white and very clean and ran around filling up Africa and went on to fill Europe and Asia. From Asia mostly they began to fill the whole world. The brethren started meeting and worshiping God from the 22nd of September 1991.

Our Vision

Our vision as Covenant Faith Ministries is an intergrative one which seeks to bring the cleansing gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the knowledge of the truth to the lost and unsaved. It also seeks to perfect, edify and build the body of Christ; prepare the saints for the work of ministry, and bringing them to the of faith(Eph 4: 11-13; 5: 25-27; John 17:17). Hence our Mission Motto "WIN THEM, TRAIN THEM AND SEND THEM".

Our Vision Statement

A clean flock of the Lord Jesus Christ, multiplying rapidly and filling up Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania and the entire world.

Our Mission

To evangelize and win souls for the Lord Jesus Christ in Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania and the entire world. To disciple and train believers for the work of ministry as well as to be socially, politically and economically relevant and effective. To send forth trained disciples for mission and missionary work.