
Jan 23, 2023

The Spirit of Counsel

Speaker: Apostle Jervas Chirevo

The Holy Ghost is our Chief Adviser. He is there to provide counsel or advice. He is the best lawyer that has never failed a case. You need Him as your Advocate or lawyer to stand against the daily accusations of the devil. The word devil means accuser or opposer. John the revelator called him accuser of brethren in Revelation 12:10. The devil is accusing you of many things. He is saying; Uh; so, you think you are a Christian? You are already doubting their salvation. Always being accused of not being good enough; of not singing right; of not witnessing in a right way and of not being holy enough. He is taking advantage of your ignorance of the laws of sin and death -Romans 8:2. The devil is a liar. He is always building a case against you based on lies. He is after your mind; body and conscience. He wants you to walk with a sense of guilt. Do not stand alone, stand by your lawyer. You don't know how to say it, but your advocate shall give you the right words to say. Scripture says, At that moment the Holy Ghost shall give you right words to say - John 12:12. He is your Parakletos, the one who stand by your side. You don't know how to say it, even to God, the Chief judge but the Holy Ghost shall help you in your weaknesses - Romans 8:26. He is very familiar with the court system of Heaven. He will intercede for you in accordance to the will of God -Romans 8:27. Oh, Spirit of Counsel I need thee every hour, for from you cometh my help! I need you for direction and advice.