
May 21, 2019

The soon coming King

Speaker: Apostle Jervas Chirevo

For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry - Hebrews 10:37. Check your clock. Check the signs of the end. In the little while, he that is supposed to come will come. He will not tarry. The first time he came; many were not prepared to receive him. Jesus is coming again with the host of Angels. Every eye shall see him, all tribes of earth shall be gathered. There shall be separation, wheat shall be separated from weeds, sheep shall be separated from goats. There shall be gnashing of teeth. There shall be a marriage supper, the door into the kingdom shall be shut. The groom (Jesus) and the bride (saints) shall dine and live together forever. There shall be rewards for those who worked for the Lord. Lord, I want to be in that number when the saints celebrate with the Lamb!