
May 16, 2019

The power of Revelation

Speaker: Apostle Abia Shoko

No ear has heard, no eye has seen, no mind has perceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.  

The fact that no eye has seen, or ear heard doesn't mean that nothing is there, it only implies that we haven't seen it yet. What God has prepared cannot be seen or heard by the carnal person, it only taked a spiritual eye and ear to clearly see and hear. But God has revealed it to us by His Spirit. As you are led by the Spirit of God, no hidden thing about life, family, work shall remain hidden. It doesn't matter what people see in you, what is important is what God has prepared for you.


This year you are not allowed by the Spirit of revelation to enter unfruitful relationships and businesses. What they can see now is your deplorable state, but they can’t see what God has prepared for you. People speak what they saw and heard about you, but today may the Holy Spirit reveal to you your life partner, your business; for the Spirit searcheth all things. The Holy Spirit searches through phones with passwords and encrypted bank accounts, the deep things perpetrated against your family and reveals it.


The Holy Spirit shall reveal to us the deep things of God concerning your ministry in your life. He shall surprise us as a Ministry with great revelation. There are some deep things of God which prior to this year were not revealed to us which shall be revealed. He shall reveal the spiritual things behind certain habits which were hidden in our marriages and families. He shall put to end all confusion in your life because He is coming to reveal hidden things. The Holy Spirit is there to reveal to us those things that were freely given to us. Not all things must we fast and pray for, because they were freely given to you.


When the Holy Spirit reveals to you what was freely given to you by God, go with confidence and take what’s rightfully yours. We fail many things because we have doubts in those things, the Holy Spirit works to reveal to us things freely given to us. Things must start to flow this year with the Holy Spirit leading us. Let’s speak only what the Holy Spirit teaches, speak what he is saying, this year don't speak about man's revelations. There are man's revelations and wisdom but continue confessing what was revealed to you by the Holy Spirit. Don't confess the doctor's report or poor results to your child; confess what God revealed.


This CoFM Vision was not a good idea, it was revealed by God. What we are seeing now about this church will not be the same in the coming two years, because the Holy Spirit is not a liar.  Those things which were revealed by angels of God shall come to pass, many people may come and go but I will not depart this great revelation.


The Holy Spirit is a spirit that judgeth all things. Let no man judge things concerning your marriage, let Holy Spirit judge, what He judges no man reverses. But we have the mind of Christ, it is the Holy Spirit working in us. You might be an intellectual but just let the Holy Spirit be your guide. Let your mind eyes and ears be submitted to the Holy Spirit of revelation. When He reveals things to us there is power in that revelation. The Holy Spirit empowers us - 2 Timothy 1:7. God did not give us the spirit of fear but of power and a sound mind. Be confident in what was revealed to you by God. This year God shall make you see visions, dream dreams, and have revelations which shall empower you and He will seal every promise by His Spirit